module Assignment4 where



You must do all the exercises labelled “(recommended)”.

Exercises labelled “(stretch)” are there to provide an extra challenge. You don’t need to do all of these, but should attempt at least a few.

Exercises without a label are optional, and may be done if you want some extra practice.

Please ensure your files execute correctly under Agda!

IMPORTANT For ease of marking, when modifying the given code please write

-- begin
-- end

before and after code you add, to indicate your changes.


import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong; cong₂; _≢_)
open import Data.Empty using (; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc; _+_; _*_)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; ; ∃-syntax) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.String using (String; _≟_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)


module DeBruijn where

Remember to indent all code by two spaces.

  open import plfa.part2.DeBruijn

Write out the definition of a lambda term that multiplies two natural numbers, now adapted to the inherently typed DeBruijn representation.

Exercise V¬—→

Following the previous development, show values do not reduce, and its corollary, terms that reduce are not values.

Using the evaluator, confirm that two times two is four.


module More where

Remember to indent all code by two spaces.


  infix  4 _⊢_
  infix  4 _∋_
  infixl 5 _,_

  infixr 7 _⇒_
  infixr 8 _`⊎_
  infixr 9 _`×_

  infix  5 ƛ_
  infix  5 μ_
  infixl 7 _·_
  infixl 8 _`*_
  infix  8 `suc_
  infix  9 `_
  infix  9 S_
  infix  9 #_


  data Type : Set where
    `ℕ    : Type
    _⇒_   : Type  Type  Type
    Nat   : Type
    _`×_  : Type  Type  Type
    _`⊎_  : Type  Type  Type
    `⊤    : Type
    `⊥    : Type
    `List : Type  Type


  data Context : Set where
       : Context
    _,_ : Context  Type  Context

Variables and the lookup judgment

  data _∋_ : Context  Type  Set where

    Z :  {Γ A}
       Γ , A  A

    S_ :  {Γ A B}
       Γ  B
       Γ , A  B

Terms and the typing judgment

  data _⊢_ : Context  Type  Set where

    -- variables

    `_ :  {Γ A}
       Γ  A
       Γ  A

    -- functions

    ƛ_  :   {Γ A B}
       Γ , A  B
       Γ  A  B

    _·_ :  {Γ A B}
       Γ  A  B
       Γ  A
       Γ  B

    -- naturals

    `zero :  {Γ}
       Γ  `ℕ

    `suc_ :  {Γ}
       Γ  `ℕ
       Γ  `ℕ

    case :  {Γ A}
       Γ  `ℕ
       Γ  A
       Γ , `ℕ  A
       Γ  A

    -- fixpoint

    μ_ :  {Γ A}
       Γ , A  A
       Γ  A

    -- primitive numbers

    con :  {Γ}
       Γ  Nat

    _`*_ :  {Γ}
       Γ  Nat
       Γ  Nat
       Γ  Nat

    -- let

    `let :  {Γ A B}
       Γ  A
       Γ , A  B
       Γ  B

    -- products

    `⟨_,_⟩ :  {Γ A B}
       Γ  A
       Γ  B
       Γ  A  B

    `proj₁ :  {Γ A B}
       Γ  A  B
       Γ  A

    `proj₂ :  {Γ A B}
       Γ  A  B
       Γ  B

    -- alternative formulation of products

    case× :  {Γ A B C}
       Γ  A  B
       Γ , A , B  C
       Γ  C

Abbreviating de Bruijn indices

  lookup : Context    Type
  lookup (Γ , A) zero     =  A
  lookup (Γ , _) (suc n)  =  lookup Γ n
  lookup        _        =  ⊥-elim impossible
    where postulate impossible : 

  count :  {Γ}  (n : )  Γ  lookup Γ n
  count {Γ , _} zero     =  Z
  count {Γ , _} (suc n)  =  S (count n)
  count {}     _        =  ⊥-elim impossible
    where postulate impossible : 

  #_ :  {Γ}  (n : )  Γ  lookup Γ n
  # n  =  ` count n


  ext :  {Γ Δ}  (∀ {A}  Γ  A  Δ  A)  (∀ {A B}  Γ , A  B  Δ , A  B)
  ext ρ Z      =  Z
  ext ρ (S x)  =  S (ρ x)

  rename :  {Γ Δ}  (∀ {A}  Γ  A  Δ  A)  (∀ {A}  Γ  A  Δ  A)
  rename ρ (` x)          =  ` (ρ x)
  rename ρ (ƛ N)          =  ƛ (rename (ext ρ) N)
  rename ρ (L · M)        =  (rename ρ L) · (rename ρ M)
  rename ρ (`zero)        =  `zero
  rename ρ (`suc M)       =  `suc (rename ρ M)
  rename ρ (case L M N)   =  case (rename ρ L) (rename ρ M) (rename (ext ρ) N)
  rename ρ (μ N)          =  μ (rename (ext ρ) N)
  rename ρ (con n)        =  con n
  rename ρ (M `* N)       =  rename ρ M `* rename ρ N
  rename ρ (`let M N)     =  `let (rename ρ M) (rename (ext ρ) N)
  rename ρ `⟨ M , N      =  `⟨ rename ρ M , rename ρ N 
  rename ρ (`proj₁ L)     =  `proj₁ (rename ρ L)
  rename ρ (`proj₂ L)     =  `proj₂ (rename ρ L)
  rename ρ (case× L M)    =  case× (rename ρ L) (rename (ext (ext ρ)) M)

Simultaneous Substitution

  exts :  {Γ Δ}  (∀ {A}  Γ  A  Δ  A)  (∀ {A B}  Γ , A  B  Δ , A  B)
  exts σ Z      =  ` Z
  exts σ (S x)  =  rename S_ (σ x)

  subst :  {Γ Δ}  (∀ {C}  Γ  C  Δ  C)  (∀ {C}  Γ  C  Δ  C)
  subst σ (` k)          =  σ k
  subst σ (ƛ N)          =  ƛ (subst (exts σ) N)
  subst σ (L · M)        =  (subst σ L) · (subst σ M)
  subst σ (`zero)        =  `zero
  subst σ (`suc M)       =  `suc (subst σ M)
  subst σ (case L M N)   =  case (subst σ L) (subst σ M) (subst (exts σ) N)
  subst σ (μ N)          =  μ (subst (exts σ) N)
  subst σ (con n)        =  con n
  subst σ (M `* N)       =  subst σ M `* subst σ N
  subst σ (`let M N)     =  `let (subst σ M) (subst (exts σ) N)
  subst σ `⟨ M , N      =  `⟨ subst σ M , subst σ N 
  subst σ (`proj₁ L)     =  `proj₁ (subst σ L)
  subst σ (`proj₂ L)     =  `proj₂ (subst σ L)
  subst σ (case× L M)    =  case× (subst σ L) (subst (exts (exts σ)) M)

Single and double substitution

  _[_] :  {Γ A B}
     Γ , A  B
     Γ  A
     Γ  B
  _[_] {Γ} {A} N V =  subst {Γ , A} {Γ} σ N
    σ :  {B}  Γ , A  B  Γ  B
    σ Z      =  V
    σ (S x)  =  ` x

  _[_][_] :  {Γ A B C}
     Γ , A , B  C
     Γ  A
     Γ  B
     Γ  C
  _[_][_] {Γ} {A} {B} N V W =  subst {Γ , A , B} {Γ} σ N
    σ :  {C}  Γ , A , B  C  Γ  C
    σ Z          =  W
    σ (S Z)      =  V
    σ (S (S x))  =  ` x


  data Value :  {Γ A}  Γ  A  Set where

    -- functions

    V-ƛ :  {Γ A B} {N : Γ , A  B}
       Value (ƛ N)

    -- naturals

    V-zero :  {Γ} 
        Value (`zero {Γ})

    V-suc_ :  {Γ} {V : Γ  `ℕ}
       Value V
       Value (`suc V)

    -- primitives

    V-con :  {Γ n}
       Value {Γ = Γ} (con n)

    -- products

    V-⟨_,_⟩ :  {Γ A B} {V : Γ  A} {W : Γ  B}
       Value V
       Value W
       Value `⟨ V , W 

Implicit arguments need to be supplied when they are not fixed by the given arguments.


  infix 2 _—→_

  data _—→_ :  {Γ A}  (Γ  A)  (Γ  A)  Set where

    -- functions

    ξ-·₁ :  {Γ A B} {L L′ : Γ  A  B} {M : Γ  A}
       L —→ L′
       L · M —→ L′ · M

    ξ-·₂ :  {Γ A B} {V : Γ  A  B} {M M′ : Γ  A}
       Value V
       M —→ M′
       V · M —→ V · M′

    β-ƛ :  {Γ A B} {N : Γ , A  B} {V : Γ  A}
       Value V
       (ƛ N) · V —→ N [ V ]

    -- naturals

    ξ-suc :  {Γ} {M M′ : Γ  `ℕ}
       M —→ M′
       `suc M —→ `suc M′

    ξ-case :  {Γ A} {L L′ : Γ  `ℕ} {M : Γ  A} {N : Γ , `ℕ  A}
       L —→ L′
       case L M N —→ case L′ M N

    β-zero :   {Γ A} {M : Γ  A} {N : Γ , `ℕ  A}
       case `zero M N —→ M

    β-suc :  {Γ A} {V : Γ  `ℕ} {M : Γ  A} {N : Γ , `ℕ  A}
       Value V
       case (`suc V) M N —→ N [ V ]

    -- fixpoint

    β-μ :  {Γ A} {N : Γ , A  A}
       μ N —→ N [ μ N ]

    -- primitive numbers

    ξ-*₁ :  {Γ} {L L′ M : Γ  Nat}
       L —→ L′
       L `* M —→ L′ `* M

    ξ-*₂ :  {Γ} {V M M′ : Γ  Nat}
       Value V
       M —→ M′
       V `* M —→ V `* M′

    δ-* :  {Γ c d}
       con {Γ = Γ} c `* con d —→ con (c * d)

    -- let

    ξ-let :  {Γ A B} {M M′ : Γ  A} {N : Γ , A  B}
       M —→ M′
       `let M N —→ `let M′ N

    β-let :  {Γ A B} {V : Γ  A} {N : Γ , A  B}
       Value V
       `let V N —→ N [ V ]

    -- products

    ξ-⟨,⟩₁ :  {Γ A B} {M M′ : Γ  A} {N : Γ  B}
       M —→ M′
       `⟨ M , N  —→ `⟨ M′ , N 

    ξ-⟨,⟩₂ :  {Γ A B} {V : Γ  A} {N N′ : Γ  B}
       Value V
       N —→ N′
       `⟨ V , N  —→ `⟨ V , N′ 

    ξ-proj₁ :  {Γ A B} {L L′ : Γ  A  B}
       L —→ L′
       `proj₁ L —→ `proj₁ L′

    ξ-proj₂ :  {Γ A B} {L L′ : Γ  A  B}
       L —→ L′
       `proj₂ L —→ `proj₂ L′

    β-proj₁ :  {Γ A B} {V : Γ  A} {W : Γ  B}
       Value V
       Value W
       `proj₁ `⟨ V , W  —→ V

    β-proj₂ :  {Γ A B} {V : Γ  A} {W : Γ  B}
       Value V
       Value W
       `proj₂ `⟨ V , W  —→ W

    -- alternative formulation of products

    ξ-case× :  {Γ A B C} {L L′ : Γ  A  B} {M : Γ , A , B  C}
       L —→ L′
       case× L M —→ case× L′ M

    β-case× :  {Γ A B C} {V : Γ  A} {W : Γ  B} {M : Γ , A , B  C}
       Value V
       Value W
       case× `⟨ V , W  M —→ M [ V ][ W ]

Reflexive and transitive closure

  infix  2 _—↠_
  infix  1 begin_
  infixr 2 _—→⟨_⟩_
  infix  3 _∎

  data _—↠_ :  {Γ A}  (Γ  A)  (Γ  A)  Set where

    _∎ :  {Γ A} (M : Γ  A)
       M —↠ M

    _—→⟨_⟩_ :  {Γ A} (L : Γ  A) {M N : Γ  A}
       L —→ M
       M —↠ N
       L —↠ N

  begin_ :  {Γ} {A} {M N : Γ  A}
     M —↠ N
     M —↠ N
  begin M—↠N = M—↠N

Values do not reduce

  V¬—→ :  {Γ A} {M N : Γ  A}
     Value M
     ¬ (M —→ N)
  V¬—→ V-ƛ          ()
  V¬—→ V-zero       ()
  V¬—→ (V-suc VM)   (ξ-suc M—→M′)     =  V¬—→ VM M—→M′
  V¬—→ V-con        ()
  V¬—→ V-⟨ VM , _  (ξ-⟨,⟩₁ M—→M′)    =  V¬—→ VM M—→M′
  V¬—→ V-⟨ _ , VN  (ξ-⟨,⟩₂ _ N—→N′)  =  V¬—→ VN N—→N′


  data Progress {A} (M :   A) : Set where

    step :  {N :   A}
       M —→ N
       Progress M

    done :
        Value M
       Progress M

  progress :  {A}
     (M :   A)
     Progress M
  progress (` ())
  progress (ƛ N)                              =  done V-ƛ
  progress (L · M) with progress L
  ...    | step L—→L′                         =  step (ξ-·₁ L—→L′)
  ...    | done V-ƛ with progress M
  ...        | step M—→M′                     =  step (ξ-·₂ V-ƛ M—→M′)
  ...        | done VM                        =  step (β-ƛ VM)
  progress (`zero)                            =  done V-zero
  progress (`suc M) with progress M
  ...    | step M—→M′                         =  step (ξ-suc M—→M′)
  ...    | done VM                            =  done (V-suc VM)
  progress (case L M N) with progress L
  ...    | step L—→L′                         =  step (ξ-case L—→L′)
  ...    | done V-zero                        =  step β-zero
  ...    | done (V-suc VL)                    =  step (β-suc VL)
  progress (μ N)                              =  step β-μ
  progress (con n)                            =  done V-con
  progress (L `* M) with progress L
  ...    | step L—→L′                         =  step (ξ-*₁ L—→L′)
  ...    | done V-con with progress M
  ...        | step M—→M′                     =  step (ξ-*₂ V-con M—→M′)
  ...        | done V-con                     =  step δ-*
  progress (`let M N) with progress M
  ...    | step M—→M′                         =  step (ξ-let M—→M′)
  ...    | done VM                            =  step (β-let VM)
  progress `⟨ M , N  with progress M
  ...    | step M—→M′                         =  step (ξ-⟨,⟩₁ M—→M′)
  ...    | done VM with progress N
  ...        | step N—→N′                     =  step (ξ-⟨,⟩₂ VM N—→N′)
  ...        | done VN                        =  done (V-⟨ VM , VN )
  progress (`proj₁ L) with progress L
  ...    | step L—→L′                         =  step (ξ-proj₁ L—→L′)
  ...    | done (V-⟨ VM , VN )               =  step (β-proj₁ VM VN)
  progress (`proj₂ L) with progress L
  ...    | step L—→L′                         =  step (ξ-proj₂ L—→L′)
  ...    | done (V-⟨ VM , VN )               =  step (β-proj₂ VM VN)
  progress (case× L M) with progress L
  ...    | step L—→L′                         =  step (ξ-case× L—→L′)
  ...    | done (V-⟨ VM , VN )               =  step (β-case× VM VN)


  data Gas : Set where
    gas :   Gas

  data Finished {Γ A} (N : Γ  A) : Set where

     done :
         Value N
        Finished N

     out-of-gas :
         Finished N

  data Steps :  {A}    A  Set where

    steps :  {A} {L N :   A}
       L —↠ N
       Finished N
       Steps L

  eval :  {A}
     (L :   A)
     Steps L
  eval (gas zero)    L                     =  steps (L ) out-of-gas
  eval (gas (suc m)) L with progress L
  ... | done VL                            =  steps (L ) (done VL)
  ... | step {M} L—→M with eval (gas m) M
  ...    | steps M—↠N fin                  =  steps (L —→⟨ L—→M  M—↠N) fin


  cube :   Nat  Nat
  cube = ƛ (# 0 `* # 0 `* # 0)

  _ : cube · con 2 —↠ con 8
  _ =
      cube · con 2
    —→⟨ β-ƛ V-con 
      con 2 `* con 2 `* con 2
    —→⟨ ξ-*₁ δ-* 
      con 4 `* con 2
    —→⟨ δ-* 
      con 8

  exp10 :   Nat  Nat
  exp10 = ƛ (`let (# 0 `* # 0)
              (`let (# 0 `* # 0)
                (`let (# 0 `* # 2)
                  (# 0 `* # 0))))

  _ : exp10 · con 2 —↠ con 1024
  _ =
      exp10 · con 2
    —→⟨ β-ƛ V-con 
      `let (con 2 `* con 2) (`let (# 0 `* # 0) (`let (# 0 `* con 2) (# 0 `* # 0)))
    —→⟨ ξ-let δ-* 
      `let (con 4) (`let (# 0 `* # 0) (`let (# 0 `* con 2) (# 0 `* # 0)))
    —→⟨ β-let V-con 
      `let (con 4 `* con 4) (`let (# 0 `* con 2) (# 0 `* # 0))
    —→⟨ ξ-let δ-* 
      `let (con 16) (`let (# 0 `* con 2) (# 0 `* # 0))
    —→⟨ β-let V-con 
      `let (con 16 `* con 2) (# 0 `* # 0)
    —→⟨ ξ-let δ-* 
      `let (con 32) (# 0 `* # 0)
    —→⟨ β-let V-con 
      con 32 `* con 32
    —→⟨ δ-* 
      con 1024

  swap× :  {A B}    A  B  B  A
  swap× = ƛ `⟨ `proj₂ (# 0) , `proj₁ (# 0) 

  _ : swap× · `⟨ con 42 , `zero  —↠ `⟨ `zero , con 42 
  _ =
      swap× · `⟨ con 42 , `zero 
    —→⟨ β-ƛ V-⟨ V-con , V-zero  
      `⟨ `proj₂ `⟨ con 42 , `zero  , `proj₁ `⟨ con 42 , `zero  
    —→⟨ ξ-⟨,⟩₁ (β-proj₂ V-con V-zero) 
      `⟨ `zero , `proj₁ `⟨ con 42 , `zero  
    —→⟨ ξ-⟨,⟩₂ V-zero (β-proj₁ V-con V-zero) 
      `⟨ `zero , con 42 

  swap×-case :  {A B}    A  B  B  A
  swap×-case = ƛ case× (# 0) `⟨ # 0 , # 1 

  _ : swap×-case · `⟨ con 42 , `zero  —↠ `⟨ `zero , con 42 
  _ =
       swap×-case · `⟨ con 42 , `zero 
     —→⟨ β-ƛ V-⟨ V-con , V-zero  
       case× `⟨ con 42 , `zero  `⟨ # 0 , # 1 
     —→⟨ β-case× V-con V-zero 
       `⟨ `zero , con 42 

Formalise the remaining constructs defined in this chapter. Evaluate each example, applied to data as needed, to confirm it returns the expected answer.

  • sums (recommended)
  • unit type
  • an alternative formulation of unit type
  • empty type (recommended)
  • lists


(No recommended exercises for this chapter.)

Exercise sim⁻¹

Show that we also have a simulation in the other direction, and hence that we have a bisimulation.

Exercise products

Show that the two formulations of products in Chapter [More][plfa.More] are in bisimulation. The only constructs you need to include are variables, and those connected to functions and products. In this case, the simulation is not lock-step.


module Inference where

Remember to indent all code by two spaces.


  import plfa.part2.More as DB


  infix   4  _∋_⦂_
  infix   4  _⊢_↑_
  infix   4  _⊢_↓_
  infixl  5  _,_⦂_

  infixr  7  _⇒_

  infix   5  ƛ_⇒_
  infix   5  μ_⇒_
  infix   6  _↑
  infix   6  _↓_
  infixl  7  _·_
  infix   8  `suc_
  infix   9  `_

Identifiers, types, and contexts

  Id : Set
  Id = String

  data Type : Set where
    `ℕ    : Type
    _⇒_   : Type  Type  Type

  data Context : Set where
         : Context
    _,_⦂_ : Context  Id  Type  Context


  data Term⁺ : Set
  data Term⁻ : Set

  data Term⁺ where
    `_                        : Id  Term⁺
    _·_                       : Term⁺  Term⁻  Term⁺
    _↓_                       : Term⁻  Type  Term⁺

  data Term⁻ where
    ƛ_⇒_                     : Id  Term⁻  Term⁻
    `zero                    : Term⁻
    `suc_                    : Term⁻  Term⁻
    `case_[zero⇒_|suc_⇒_]    : Term⁺  Term⁻  Id  Term⁻  Term⁻
    μ_⇒_                     : Id  Term⁻  Term⁻
    _↑                       : Term⁺  Term⁻

Sample terms

  two : Term⁻
  two = `suc (`suc `zero)

  plus : Term⁺
  plus = (μ "p"  ƛ "m"  ƛ "n" 
            `case (` "m") [zero⇒ ` "n" 
                          |suc "m"  `suc (` "p" · (` "m" ) · (` "n" ) ) ])
               `ℕ  `ℕ  `ℕ


  data _∋_⦂_ : Context  Id  Type  Set where

    Z :  {Γ x A}
       Γ , x  A  x  A

    S :  {Γ x y A B}
       x  y
       Γ  x  A
       Γ , y  B  x  A

Bidirectional type checking

  data _⊢_↑_ : Context  Term⁺  Type  Set
  data _⊢_↓_ : Context  Term⁻  Type  Set

  data _⊢_↑_ where

    ⊢` :  {Γ A x}
       Γ  x  A
       Γ  ` x  A

    _·_ :  {Γ L M A B}
       Γ  L  A  B
       Γ  M  A
       Γ  L · M  B

    ⊢↓ :  {Γ M A}
       Γ  M  A
       Γ  (M  A)  A

  data _⊢_↓_ where

    ⊢ƛ :  {Γ x N A B}
       Γ , x  A  N  B
       Γ  ƛ x  N  A  B

    ⊢zero :  {Γ}
       Γ  `zero  `ℕ

    ⊢suc :  {Γ M}
       Γ  M  `ℕ
       Γ  `suc M  `ℕ

    ⊢case :  {Γ L M x N A}
       Γ  L  `ℕ
       Γ  M  A
       Γ , x  `ℕ  N  A
       Γ  `case L [zero⇒ M |suc x  N ]  A

    ⊢μ :  {Γ x N A}
       Γ , x  A  N  A
       Γ  μ x  N  A

    ⊢↑ :  {Γ M A B}
       Γ  M  A
       A  B
       Γ  (M )  B

Type equality

  _≟Tp_ : (A B : Type)  Dec (A  B)
  `ℕ      ≟Tp `ℕ              =  yes refl
  `ℕ      ≟Tp (A  B)         =  no λ()
  (A  B) ≟Tp `ℕ              =  no λ()
  (A  B) ≟Tp (A′  B′)
    with A ≟Tp A′ | B ≟Tp B′
  ...  | no A≢    | _         =  no λ{refl  A≢ refl}
  ...  | yes _    | no B≢     =  no λ{refl  B≢ refl}
  ...  | yes refl | yes refl  =  yes refl


  dom≡ :  {A A′ B B′}  A  B  A′  B′  A  A′
  dom≡ refl = refl

  rng≡ :  {A A′ B B′}  A  B  A′  B′  B  B′
  rng≡ refl = refl

  ℕ≢⇒ :  {A B}  `ℕ  A  B
  ℕ≢⇒ ()

Unique lookup

  uniq-∋ :  {Γ x A B}  Γ  x  A  Γ  x  B  A  B
  uniq-∋ Z Z                 =  refl
  uniq-∋ Z (S x≢y _)         =  ⊥-elim (x≢y refl)
  uniq-∋ (S x≢y _) Z         =  ⊥-elim (x≢y refl)
  uniq-∋ (S _ ∋x) (S _ ∋x′)  =  uniq-∋ ∋x ∋x′

Unique synthesis

  uniq-↑ :  {Γ M A B}  Γ  M  A  Γ  M  B  A  B
  uniq-↑ (⊢` ∋x) (⊢` ∋x′)       =  uniq-∋ ∋x ∋x′
  uniq-↑ (⊢L · ⊢M) (⊢L′ · ⊢M′)  =  rng≡ (uniq-↑ ⊢L ⊢L′)
  uniq-↑ (⊢↓ ⊢M) (⊢↓ ⊢M′)       =  refl

Lookup type of a variable in the context

  ext∋ :  {Γ B x y}
     x  y
     ¬ ∃[ A ]( Γ  x  A )
     ¬ ∃[ A ]( Γ , y  B  x  A )
  ext∋ x≢y _   A , Z        =  x≢y refl
  ext∋ _   ¬∃  A , S _ ⊢x   =  ¬∃  A , ⊢x 

  lookup :  (Γ : Context) (x : Id)
     Dec (∃[ A ](Γ  x  A))
  lookup  x                        =  no   ())
  lookup (Γ , y  B) x with x  y
  ... | yes refl                    =  yes  B , Z 
  ... | no x≢y with lookup Γ x
  ...             | no  ¬∃          =  no  (ext∋ x≢y ¬∃)
  ...             | yes  A , ⊢x   =  yes  A , S x≢y ⊢x 

Promoting negations

  ¬arg :  {Γ A B L M}
     Γ  L  A  B
     ¬ Γ  M  A
     ¬ ∃[ B′ ](Γ  L · M  B′)
  ¬arg ⊢L ¬⊢M  B′ , ⊢L′ · ⊢M′  rewrite dom≡ (uniq-↑ ⊢L ⊢L′) = ¬⊢M ⊢M′

  ¬switch :  {Γ M A B}
     Γ  M  A
     A  B
     ¬ Γ  (M )  B
  ¬switch ⊢M A≢B (⊢↑ ⊢M′ A′≡B) rewrite uniq-↑ ⊢M ⊢M′ = A≢B A′≡B

Synthesize and inherit types

  synthesize :  (Γ : Context) (M : Term⁺)
     Dec (∃[ A ](Γ  M  A))

  inherit :  (Γ : Context) (M : Term⁻) (A : Type)
     Dec (Γ  M  A)

  synthesize Γ (` x) with lookup Γ x
  ... | no  ¬∃              =  no  (λ{  A , ⊢` ∋x   ¬∃  A , ∋x  })
  ... | yes  A , ∋x       =  yes  A , ⊢` ∋x 
  synthesize Γ (L · M) with synthesize Γ L
  ... | no  ¬∃              =  no  (λ{  _ , ⊢L  · _      ¬∃  _ , ⊢L  })
  ... | yes  `ℕ ,    ⊢L   =  no  (λ{  _ , ⊢L′ · _      ℕ≢⇒ (uniq-↑ ⊢L ⊢L′) })
  ... | yes  A  B , ⊢L  with inherit Γ M A
  ...    | no  ¬⊢M          =  no  (¬arg ⊢L ¬⊢M)
  ...    | yes ⊢M           =  yes  B , ⊢L · ⊢M 
  synthesize Γ (M  A) with inherit Γ M A
  ... | no  ¬⊢M             =  no  (λ{  _ , ⊢↓ ⊢M     ¬⊢M ⊢M })
  ... | yes ⊢M              =  yes  A , ⊢↓ ⊢M 

  inherit Γ (ƛ x  N) `ℕ      =  no  (λ())
  inherit Γ (ƛ x  N) (A  B) with inherit (Γ , x  A) N B
  ... | no ¬⊢N                =  no  (λ{ (⊢ƛ ⊢N)    ¬⊢N ⊢N })
  ... | yes ⊢N                =  yes (⊢ƛ ⊢N)
  inherit Γ `zero `ℕ          =  yes ⊢zero
  inherit Γ `zero (A  B)     =  no  (λ())
  inherit Γ (`suc M) `ℕ with inherit Γ M `ℕ
  ... | no ¬⊢M                =  no  (λ{ (⊢suc ⊢M)    ¬⊢M ⊢M })
  ... | yes ⊢M                =  yes (⊢suc ⊢M)
  inherit Γ (`suc M) (A  B)  =  no  (λ())
  inherit Γ (`case L [zero⇒ M |suc x  N ]) A with synthesize Γ L
  ... | no ¬∃                 =  no  (λ{ (⊢case ⊢L  _ _)  ¬∃  `ℕ , ⊢L })
  ... | yes  _  _ , ⊢L     =  no  (λ{ (⊢case ⊢L′ _ _)  ℕ≢⇒ (uniq-↑ ⊢L′ ⊢L) })
  ... | yes  `ℕ ,    ⊢L  with inherit Γ M A
  ...    | no ¬⊢M             =  no  (λ{ (⊢case _ ⊢M _)  ¬⊢M ⊢M })
  ...    | yes ⊢M with inherit (Γ , x  `ℕ) N A
  ...       | no ¬⊢N          =  no  (λ{ (⊢case _ _ ⊢N)  ¬⊢N ⊢N })
  ...       | yes ⊢N          =  yes (⊢case ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N)
  inherit Γ (μ x  N) A with inherit (Γ , x  A) N A
  ... | no ¬⊢N                =  no  (λ{ (⊢μ ⊢N)  ¬⊢N ⊢N })
  ... | yes ⊢N                =  yes (⊢μ ⊢N)
  inherit Γ (M ) B with synthesize Γ M
  ... | no  ¬∃                =  no  (λ{ (⊢↑ ⊢M _)  ¬∃  _ , ⊢M  })
  ... | yes  A , ⊢M  with A ≟Tp B
  ...   | no  A≢B             =  no  (¬switch ⊢M A≢B)
  ...   | yes A≡B             =  yes (⊢↑ ⊢M A≡B)


  ∥_∥Tp : Type  DB.Type
   `ℕ ∥Tp             =  DB.`ℕ
   A  B ∥Tp          =   A ∥Tp DB.⇒  B ∥Tp

  ∥_∥Cx : Context  DB.Context
    ∥Cx              =  DB.∅
   Γ , x  A ∥Cx      =   Γ ∥Cx DB.,  A ∥Tp

  ∥_∥∋ :  {Γ x A}  Γ  x  A   Γ ∥Cx DB.∋  A ∥Tp
   Z ∥∋               =  DB.Z
   S x≢ ⊢x ∥∋         =  DB.S  ⊢x ∥∋

  ∥_∥⁺ :  {Γ M A}  Γ  M  A   Γ ∥Cx DB.⊢  A ∥Tp
  ∥_∥⁻ :  {Γ M A}  Γ  M  A   Γ ∥Cx DB.⊢  A ∥Tp

   ⊢` ⊢x ∥⁺           =  DB.`  ⊢x ∥∋
   ⊢L · ⊢M ∥⁺         =   ⊢L ∥⁺ DB.·  ⊢M ∥⁻
   ⊢↓ ⊢M ∥⁺           =   ⊢M ∥⁻

   ⊢ƛ ⊢N ∥⁻           =  DB.ƛ  ⊢N ∥⁻
   ⊢zero ∥⁻           =  DB.`zero
   ⊢suc ⊢M ∥⁻         =  DB.`suc  ⊢M ∥⁻
   ⊢case ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N ∥⁻  =  ⊢L ∥⁺  ⊢M ∥⁻  ⊢N ∥⁻
   ⊢μ ⊢M ∥⁻           =  DB.μ  ⊢M ∥⁻
   ⊢↑ ⊢M refl ∥⁻      =   ⊢M ∥⁺

Exercise bidirectional-mul (recommended)

Rewrite your definition of multiplication from Chapter [Lambda][plfa.Lambda], decorated to support inference.

Exercise bidirectional-products (recommended)

Extend the bidirectional type rules to include products from Chapter [More][plfa.More].

Exercise bidirectional-rest (stretch)

Extend the bidirectional type rules to include the rest of the constructs from Chapter [More][plfa.More].

Rewrite your definition of multiplication from Chapter [Lambda][plfa.Lambda] decorated to support inference, and show that erasure of the inferred typing yields your definition of multiplication from Chapter [DeBruijn][plfa.DeBruijn].

Extend bidirectional inference to include products from Chapter [More][plfa.More].

Exercise inference-rest (stretch)

Extend bidirectional inference to include the rest of the constructs from Chapter [More][plfa.More].


Exercise (Type≃⊤)

Show that Type is isomorphic to , the unit type.

Exercise (Context≃ℕ)

Show that Context is isomorphic to .

Exercise (variant-1)

How would the rules change if we want call-by-value where terms normalise completely? Assume that β should not permit reduction unless both terms are in normal form.

Exercise (variant-2)

How would the rules change if we want call-by-value where terms do not reduce underneath lambda? Assume that β permits reduction when both terms are values (that is, lambda abstractions). What would plusᶜ · twoᶜ · twoᶜ reduce to in this case?

Exercise plus-eval

Use the evaluator to confirm that plus · two · two and four normalise to the same term.

Use the encodings above to translate your definition of multiplication from previous chapters with the Scott representation and the encoding of the fixpoint operator. Confirm that two times two is four.

Exercise encode-more (stretch)

Along the lines above, encode all of the constructs of Chapter [More][plfa.More], save for primitive numbers, in the untyped lambda calculus.